Subaru rocks 2012 Performance Scorecards for third straight month

August 15, 2012 12:00 AM

Finding a car that scores well on all the important features, fits a budget and meets personal aesthetics can be a challenge. Safety ratings and performance scorecards can help sort through the available options to ease the process for a consumer. The newest Performance Scorecards from have been released and Subaruscored highly for the third consecutive month. Drivers keep even the most reliable and highly-rated cars in top condition through regular car tune ups.

Top scores were awarded to the Subaru, BMW/Toyota and Jaguar Land Rover manufacturers. Volvo, Suzuki and Nissan/Mitsubishi received the lowest ratings. The manufacturers were scored on eight different factors, including customer loyalty, discount percentage, price variation and days in inventory. Subaru received high marks in all eight categories and earned an A+.

Subaru has an incredibly loyal customer base with 35 percent of owners likely to recommend them to friends or colleagues. Subaru drivers can depend on the high safety ratings, fuel economy and stable resale value.

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