New study shows adults may text and drive more than teens

March 28, 2013 12:00 AM

Most adults know the dangers of getting distracted while behind the wheel, but that doesn't stop them from practicing risky behaviors. A recent poll from AT&T found that almost half of commuters reported texting while driving, and 43 percent of those who've done it call it a habit. In fact, more adults are texting while driving than teens - and the problem keeps getting worse. 

"Texting while driving is not just a teen problem," John Ulczycki, of the National Safety Council, told The Detroit Free Press. "Teens text. But you're looking at around 10 million teen drivers, but about 180 million other adult drivers." 

About 60 percent of commuters claim that they never texted while driving three years ago, so this is a relatively new phenomenon. Despite the fact that 98 percent of adults know that it is dangerous, they continue to do so, which puts themselves and other motorists at risk. Accidents stemming from texting can result in injury or the need for auto repair, so drivers should do their best to stay alert and avoid these distractions. 

To help keep people focused on the roads, AT&T is launching a program called "It Can Wait," which aims to prevent drivers from texting trivial messages. This is just one of many similar movements happening across the U.S., so motorists can consider making a personal commitment to the cause and joining up with a group near them. 

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