Selecting an air freshener for your car

October 18, 2011 12:00 AM

Things like oil changes and other types of regular auto maintenance can take care of the inner workings of your car, but the interior is important to. After all, this is what your guests will see - and smell - when you are driving them around. One of the best things you can do for you car is get an air freshener.

There are many air fresheners available on the market today, reports Refresh Your Car. The classic choice are the hanging cardboard air fresheners, which are very affordable and easy to use. However, these ultimately wear out pretty quickly, and will likely stop giving off a scent after a brief period of time.

For long-term solutions, there are a number of products that are similar to air fresheners that you would buy for your house. Some companies have come up with oil-based air fresheners, which actually attach to the vents in a vehicle. The oil is drawn up by a wick, or through a diffuser, and the vent then blows it throughout the car.

Another option are sticky, gel-based air fresheners. These gels can attach to any surface in your car and are non-intrusive, while also giving off a pleasant scent. Some fragrances are also contained in a can, which can be placed under the seat or anywhere else to provide a continuous odor. 

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