Study: Women 47 percent more likely to be injured in car accident

October 31, 2011 12:00 AM

A recent report published in the American Journal of Public Health states that women are 47 percent more likely to be injured in a car crash than men, with the data assuming that the party in question is wearing a seat belt.

The study looked at collisions from 1998 through 2008, focusing on the injuries and fatalities to both men and women during this time. The study pointed out several reasons for the discrepancy between genders. Women are shorter, lighter, and tend to sit in different positions than men, which means that safety systems in many vehicles are not designed to specifically protect them.

However Clarence Ditlow of the Center for Auto Safety told ABC News that the study was not as valuable as it could be, mainly because the vehicles included were outdated. Since the time period that was studied, significant improvements have been made in female-oriented safety systems.

"The average life of a car is around 12 years," Ditlow told the news source. "The study would have a lot more value if it were limited to 2000 and later model year vehicles to make sure all vehicles had female friendly airbags."

When it comes to avoiding injuries related to car accidents, the best course of action is to simply avoid accidents in the first place. Taking your vehicle in for tire replacements and brake service from time to time can help ensure that your car is running well and won't cause any problems while out on the road.

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