High insurance rates make vehicle maintenance a must

June 24, 2013 12:00 AM

It's only halfway through 2013, and many drivers are already unhappy with their auto insurance so far this year. According to a new study from J.D. Power and Associates, overall customer satisfaction with insurance companies has dropped from its all-time high in 2012 but still remains at a lofty level. 

The 2013 Auto Insurance Study was based on five factors: interaction with the company, price, policy offerings, billing and payment, and claims. Scores in all categories decreased from last year, with more than 20 percent of motorists dissatisfied with their service.

"In 2013, there is a sharp rise in the number of customers who have experienced premium increases," said Jeremy Bowler, a senior director at J.D. Power and Associates. "The dollar amount of those increases is also larger, averaging $153 in 2013, compared with an average rate increase of $113 reported in the 2012 study." 

As insurance costs rise, many drivers are forced to make savvy decisions about their vehicle maintenance. Getting a regular car tune up can go a long way toward staving off auto repair, which could save money in the long run and protect you from more serious problems later on. 

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